Software Developer



The knowledge I gained in the field of computer engineering and my interest in the software industry were reinforced by the successful completion of my education at Manisa Celal Bayar University. Prior to graduation, I engaged in various projects to enhance my skills in mobile development. During this period, I worked at a software company in Izmir, where I developed Android applications using Kotlin and RESTful API tools. I had the opportunity to complete my short-term internship at this company. During my pre-graduation long-term internship, I took on the role of developing Android applications using Flutter and Dart at a different software company. This experience not only expanded my skills in mobile development but also provided the chance to work on machine learning projects using Python. I created various prediction models and implemented them in different projects, shaping me into a versatile software developer.

After graduating, I started my career as an intern at a company where I gained experience in full-stack web development using C# and <a href=”” target=”_blank” rel=”noreferrer noopener”>ASP.Net</a> technologies. During this 9-month period, I strengthened my skills in both front-end and back-end development. Subsequently, I joined the Creaware family, where I currently hold my position.<br>At Creaware, I work as a full-stack developer, contributing to projects using modern technologies such as PHP and Vue.js.

A big family where all team members propel each other one step forward.

‘May the final goal always be the beginning of a new pursuit.’

Erem Batı


I have experience in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. I effectively utilizes technologies such as TypeScript and Vue.js to develop modern web applications.


I am developing my skills in PHP, especially on the CakePHP framework.

Database Management

I have expertise in database management and experience with various database systems.

“May the final goal always be the beginning of a new pursuit. ”

Erem Batı



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