Software Developer



After learning to read, my computer programming story began with a red BASIC book and continued with Visual Basic, Visual Basic .NET, C#, PHP, C, Java, JavaScript/TypeScript. Nowadays I’m learning and practicing Rust. After I realized programming is not just software development and that software development is not only programming, I understood the importance of project planning, planning, and acting within certain rules. After combining language skills and experience to my decisions, I worked in a team-lead role in a job. Now I’m working as a software developer at Creaware; I’m responsible for the continuity (maintenance) of long-standing projects and welcoming new team members (onboarding, orientation).

Creaware provides an environment where you can develop and grow. Bring out the best in yourself!

‘Work smart, dream all that you can!’

Ozan Müyesseroğlu


I have the skills to project, plan, implement, and ensure the healthy continuation (maintenance) of an application from start to finish.


I currently have the ability to write code for different platforms (desktop, web, mobile), in various languages (JS/TS, Rust, Swift), and with different tools (Node.js, Tauri, Vite).


I ensure active development and tracking throughout the development process, allowing collaboration by a team.

‘Work smart, dream all that you can!’

Ozan Müyesseroğlu


